Stay Current In Fashion: What I Won’t Be Doing in 2024 Part 1
Hello Pretty Ladies,
Happy Friday, and I hope your weekend is off to a great start. Today, I am sharing… 3 things I’m not doing to “BE CURRENT” as a midlifer….PART 1
I wanted to bring to you things you can still do in fashion and look current at any age without having to change your whole wardrobe just by making some little tweaks and not feeling like you have to jump on board with what you are seeing currently on trend or suggested on how you clean out your wardrobe.
I have started a series called “What I won’t be doing in 2024,” In which I share baby steps in how you can accomplish a wardrobe that will have you looking chic and feeling good at any age without breaking the bank and having to start from scratch as well as helping you find your style while building a classic wardrobe that will fit your body type.
Each week, I will be sharing “What I won’t be doing” “along with the “Why” and “TiPS” what you can use as suggestions to help you make decisions in your wardrobe, which I think can be helpful for you to follow, clean out and purchase smarter.
Today, I am sharing… 3 things I’mI’mt doing to “BE”CURRENT” a” a midlifer….PART 1
#1. I’m not throwing away ALL my skinny jeans!!!
⚠️You’ve seen midlife stylists throw them in the trash!!!! WHAT! ( yes, trends come and go, and some styles of jeans are more on trend in specific years… But…)
Here’s WHY: I won’t be throwing all of mine away or telling clients, too…
– Skinny jeans are genuinely the only jeans that work well with tall boots (which will be showing up big in 2024)
– Every figure is different and has different styles that flatter you.
-YOU know what you like and what YOU feel good in.
-You can Make Skinny Jeans “CURRENT” just by how you style them! (More on that later)
—They look great with Tunics and oversized sweaters. This gives the outfit balance
-They work on my body. My legs are one of my assets, and I try to teach my followers and clients to wear what works on your body! Accentuate your best parts.
How I made this look CURRENT:
If you looked through the several photos😉♥️ You’ll see I wore the same BASE = Spanx Skinny jeans & a great Amazon find =Tunic sweater.
🚨SAVE 10% off all Spanx with my CODE: DEARDARCYXSPANX. Great free shipping and returns, too
See how…mixing what you love with wardrobe builders and trending pieces keeps you looking “Current” without” having to replace everything in your closet.
✨Outfit 1-
A trendy, cute Cropped trench coat 🖤 Trending bag & tall Boots with a hat.
Shop This Look Below: (tap on photos)
✨Outfit 2-
A trending “Metallic” quilted vest & Trending metallic bag worn with Sparkly rhinestone boots.
Shop This Look Below: (tap on photos)
#2. Wearing Things that don’t work on my (you’re) body!
Here’s Why everyone’s figure is different; we don’t have to wear EVERY trend to be “CURRENT” (more later)
-Dressing for your body type will not only help you to feel and look better, but it will also show OFF the little trends you decide to wear better! (More on picking Trends that work on your body type later)
– Being “CURRENT” can be as easy as picking a trending fabric and choosing it in a style that works for you—choosing a trending color and adding that to your accessories. It truly is in the little details, not your whole wardrobe.
#3. Not Caring what people think!
Here’s Why Fashion is an expression of yourself, NOT your AGE!
– When you wear what you genuinely feel good in, you’ll project and wear it with confidence 💕
Follow along with me for more wardrobe tips:
⚠️Follow along with me in 2024 to learn how to dress for your body type, build a classic wardrobe with staple pieces & small trends that will work for you & your body, as well as how to add them into your style without breaking the bank. Sharing more on what to save on and what to splurge on..
-Tips on how to “SHOP” your closet” giving more outfit inspiration and how to create the look with things you already own.
-Help YOU (Get rid of what doesn’t work)
I am here to:
“Help women Live life stylishly and look good at any age!”
Thank you for stopping by.
💕Remember, Wearing a smile is your most important accessory!
Have a beautiful rest of the week, and thank you for stopping by and reading.
“Stay Current in” Fashion: What I Won’t Be Doing in 2024 Part 2″ I hope you’ll be a part of my Tribe in 2024.
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This Post may contain an affiliate link. All opinions are my own. I only promote brands that I genuinely love and believe in! Thank you for the support!
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