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Don’t be discouraged by closed doors!
Today I am sharing with you some of my belief’s and little “pep talk’s” I give myself when a door closes or discouragement set in.
We all have goal’s and dreams and some times things just don’t go as we planned. Getting discouraged is really easy! I have had many doors close on me in my life that I just wanted to Prior OPEN!!! As I have gotten older I have learned to trust God. YES FAITH! “dare to BELIEVE” and the Right doors OPEN… The doors God has in store for you! Sometimes it’s not in our timing but in his! When I learned to trust God and Pray, Pray a lot! I noticed I didn’t get discouraged or disappointed when a door closed or even SLAMMED into my face! I realized something better was coming. (Now don’t stop trying and working towards those goal it’s not going to just get handed to you!) I believe a closed door is God’s way of protecting you from taking the wrong path…A bigger and better door will OPEN!
Walt Disney was turned down by 300 banks before he got a loan to build Disneyland! Now…I don’t know if Walt believed in God but I do know he had FAITH in himself and determination to Build his dream! He did not give up! He had many doors close but finally the one he needed OPENED!
God has BIG plans for you trust him to guide you through the right doors. Remember God puts people in your life or in your path to help you! It’s ok not to do everything yourself. Draw strength from each other. “When we come together in faith, Great things happen!” I have to tell this to myself all the time! I am a control freak and want things done correct or My way….So I end up doing it ALL by myself to be assured it’s DONE and done correct! Draw strength from each other it’s ok to let go sometimes!
When we come together in faith, great things happen!
Sometimes the reminder of reaching your Highest Potential is Put God first and allow the people he puts in your path to help you to OPEN more doors!
Trust in yourself, BELIEVE in yourself, work hard, follow your dreams and let God be your guide…Your doors will OPEN!
Become who God created you to be….
May you have many doors OPEN! OX, D’Arcy